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With 14 additional COVID-19-related deaths announced Tuesday, July became the deadliest month for the coronavirus pandemic in San Diego County since it started in mid-February. The news came amid fresh requests for deeper information on how local communities of color are being disproportionately affected by the disease.

According to county records, 161 of the region’s 547 total COVID-19 deaths occurred in July, 12 more than were reported in May, the previous month with the most fatalities. The median age of those who have died of the disease is 78, with the vast majority having other health problems that made them more susceptible to severe illness.

Due to reporting delays, none of the 14 deaths reported to the public Tuesday actually occurred on July 28. Dates ranged from Sunday back to July 17.

Thus far, July 13 has been the deadliest single day in the county with 12 deaths reported, followed by July 2 with 11. April 5 and July 8 both had 10.

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