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California state officials are testing out an online tool to help notify residents when they are eligible to receive their shots, and eventually, let them schedule an appointment for vaccination.

Currently, only Los Angeles and San Diego county health care workers and people 65 and older in the counties can book appointments for COVID-19 vaccination through the pilot website,, the California Department of Public Health told KTLA Saturday.

And even then, availability of appointments on the new tool is based on how many clinics voluntarily choose to use the site, and it appeared to be hard to find a slot in L.A. Saturday.

For right now, eligible L.A. County residents can speak to their health care provider to get a vaccine, or register through the county website.

The state is using the pilot to work out the kinks for a smooth statewide launch in the future. There’s no set launch date for the tool, since it depends on the work needed to improve it, officials said.

Signing up to get a COVID-19 vaccine in California hasn’t been easy for many residents trying to maneuver through a medley of appointment websites, technical issues and differing county eligibility requirements.

Gov. Gavin Newsom had previously announced a new statewide system is coming to let people know if they can get a vaccine or sign up to get a notification when they are eligible. And then, as a second phase, let people schedule appointments at mass vaccination events.

“It is intended to be one, but not the only, place where Californians can find information on when they are eligible to get vaccinated and to be able to make an appointment for vaccination,” a CDPH spokesman said.

To get a notification when they’re eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine, Californians can fill out a questionnaire on the pilot tool, which will be branded as My Turn.