6-year-old boy flying alone ends up on the wrong flight

A Spirit Airlines Airbus jet (Getty Images)

A six-year-old boy’s first time flying alone went awry when Spirit Airlines accidentally put him on the wrong flight.

According to WINK-TV, Casper Ramos was supposed to fly from Philadelphia to Fort Myers, Florida last Thursday to stay with his grandmother. But when the flight arrived, Casper wasn’t there.

“I ran inside the plane to the flight attendant and I asked her, ‘Where’s my grandson?” Maria Ramos told the television station. “He was handed over to you at Philadelphia?’ She said, ‘No, I had no kids with me.'”

Maria says she was terrified until she got a call from Casper saying he had landed – only, not in Fort Myers. Instead, he ended up 160 miles away in Orlando.

Ramos said Spirit Airlines offered to reimburse her for the four-hour drive, but she is still angry and wants to know how the mistake happened.

Spirit Airlines has apologized for the mishap and, in a statement, said Casper was “always under the care and supervision of a Spirit Team Member.”

“As soon as we discovered the error, we took immediate steps to communicate with the family and reconnect them. We take the safety and responsibility of transporting all of our Guests seriously and are conducting an internal investigation.” the airline said.